Monday, March 21, 2011

Student Writing Competition on Border Skirmishes

Student Writing Competition In Association With Border Skirmishes: The Intersection Between Litigation and International Commercial Arbitration

Entries due August 15, 2011

A student writing competition is being organized in conjunction with the annual symposium convened by the Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution at the University of Missouri School of Law. This year’s symposium, entitled “Border Skirmishes: The Intersection Between Litigation and International Commercial Arbitration,” features Gary Born as keynote speaker as well as expert panelists from Canada, Austria, Switzerland, Italy and the United States.

The competition is sponsored by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) North American Branch and offers a $300 prize to the competition winner. The winner may also have his or her winning submission published in the Journal of Dispute Resolution along with other symposium papers. The Journal is recognized as the leading legal publication in the area of alternative dispute resolution and contains articles written by nationally and internationally prominent authors and students on a wide variety of topics.


Submissions should bear some relationship to the symposium topic of international commercial arbitration, transnational litigation and the intersection thereof. There is no requirement that papers discuss U.S. law.


The writing competition is open to any person enrolled on May 1, 2011, in a program of higher education leading to a degree in law (including but not limited to the J.D., LL.B., LL.M. or S.J.D.). Applicants may be of any nationality and may be affiliated with degree-providing institutions located in any country. Papers that have been accepted for publication elsewhere are not eligible for the writing competition.

Submission Requirements

Submissions must be in English and between fifteen (15) and forty (40) pages in length, including footnotes. The text of the paper must be typed and double spaced in 12 point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins. Footnotes may appear single spaced in 10 point Times New Roman font. Footnotes should preferably appear in Bluebook form, although papers using other established systems of legal citation will be accepted. The title of the paper must appear on every page of the submission. The author’s name must not appear anywhere on the submission itself.

A separate document should be provided including (1) the author’s full name, address, telephone number and email address; (2) the degree-granting institution where the author is enrolled, as well as the degree sought and the anticipated year of graduation; (3) the title of the submission; and (4) the date of the submission.

Papers must be electronically submitted to:
Professor S.I. Strong
University of Missouri School of Law

Papers must be received no later than 11:59 p.m., Central time, on August 15, 2011.


Submissions will be judged by a committee of CIArb members. The following factors will be considered:
  • Legal analysis
  • Thoroughness and depth of topic
  • Contribution to the scholarship in the field
  • Evaluation of judicial precedents, statutes and legal authorities
Questions should be directed to:
Professor S.I. Strong
University of Missouri School of Law

Tel.: +1 573 882 2465

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