Thursday, December 9, 2010

ASIL's Francis Lieber Prize

The Francis Lieber Prize is awarded annually by the American Society of International Law's Lieber Society on the Law of Armed Conflict to the author of an exceptional work in the field of law and armed conflict.

Any work in the English language published during 2010 or whose publication is imminent at the time of submission may be nominated for this prize.  The re-submission of works which have already been considered for this prize is not allowed.  Entries may address such topics as the use of force in international law, the conduct of hostilities during international and non-international armed conflicts, protected persons and objects under the law of armed conflict, the law of weapons, operational law, rules of engagement, occupation law, peace operations, counter-terrorist operations, and humanitarian assistance.  Other topics bearing on the application of international law during armed conflict or other military operations are also appropriate.
Age Limit:       Competitors must be 35 years old or younger at the time of submission. They need not be members of the American Society of International Law. Submissions from outside the United States are welcomed.

Submissions, including a letter or message of nomination, must be received by January 17, 2011.  Electronic submissions are acceptable.  Authors may submit their own work.  Any work not already published must be accompanied by documentation indicating that it has been accepted for publication.  All submissions must include contact data (e-mail, fax, phone, address).  The Prize Committee will acknowledge receipt of the submission by e-mail.  Three copies of books must be submitted.
Printed submissions must be sent to:
Professor Iain Scobbie
Department of Law
School of Oriental and African Studies
Thornhaugh Street
Russell Square
London    WC1H 0XG
United Kingdom
Electronic submissions must be sent to:

Please indicate clearly in the subject line that the email concerns a submission for the Lieber Prize.

The Selection Committee will select one submission for award of the Francis Lieber Prize in the Book category and one in the Article category. The Prizes consists of $500, a certificate of recognition, and a year's membership of the American Society of International Law.

The winner of the Lieber Prize in both categories will be announced at the American Society of International Law's Annual Meeting in March 2011.

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